Through their Field to Fork activity, our Day Opportunities members get the chance to grow and tend to their own vegetables, eventually picking them and cooking delicious meals – perhaps the best part of the process!
All members have clearly enjoyed the sensory experience of picking their own food and being with nature, as well as growing it in the beautiful surroundings of our Standish site.
The whole experience helps members to understand the process by which food gets to our tables and how to cook with produce. Perhaps more relevant than ever, the activity underlines the importance of the consumption of fresh, locally sourced sustainable food and helping the community by keeping business local.
Following on with this environmental theme, members have also been busy making homemade games from pallets and recycled wood. From Play Your Cards Right to dominoes, we’ve all had a great time working together, with everyone fully involved in preparing, making and playing games!
Registered charity number 1167858 - Registered office: Thompson House Equestrian Centre, Off Pepper Lane, Standish, Wigan, Lancashire, WN6 0PP
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