A dear colleague of mine planted a seed, asking me to write a piece that others could read,
A poem or ditty, the choice was mine, regarding the past or present, I couldn’t decline,
I decided upon Covid -19, as on TV, it was widely seen,
As the country was in complete despair, a virus at large, medics couldn’t repair,
The concern lay amid the people we support, everyone wanting answers following the government’s report,
A decision was made to contact families, guardians and friends, discussions concluded following the best interest of all who attend,
And despite many having to stay away from our site, Day Opportunities and My Life Support have provided care where needed both day and night,
Staff have pulled together to keep My Life afloat, at the end of the day, we’re all in the same boat,
We’ve weeded and planted and cared for the animals too, managing to keep busy, there’s been so much to do,
Still striving to create a community where everyone belongs, whistling whilst we work and singing songs,
When all this is over and much needed routines return, we will all have had lessons from which we have learned,
The most precious things in life surround us each day, providing us with guidance and showing us the way,
A hand up not out, is still what we believe, as we strive to support others whilst they achieve,
So, be rest assured that we are still here, and when everyone returns, you’ll hear us cheer,
My Life awaits you once things are more safe, it’s everyone that makes it such an amazing place.
From knowing when you are allowed to leave the house, to walking the dog, going to a medical appointment, helping vulnerable people or visiting a park, it’s all here.
If you feel that this may help you or someone you know, please do share it – it exists to help us all protect ourselves and others.
Please note: If you, or someone you live with has autism or learning difficulties, the government have relaxed certain rules around leaving the house. Read our article ‘Important update to UK coronavirus rules for people with autism and learning disabilities’ for more information about this.
If you live with someone with autism or learning difficulties, this important change to the UK Coronavirus rules could make a positive difference to you. There is still advice around this, however.
The guidance, which had previously stated that non-essential workers should only leave their homes once a day for exercise or to shop for basic necessities, was amended on Wednesday.
The updated advice reads: “If you (or a person in your care) have a specific health condition that requires you to leave the home to maintain your health – including if that involves travel beyond your local area – then you can do so.
“This could, for example, include where individuals with learning disabilities or autism require specific exercise in an open space two or three times each day – ideally in line with a care plan agreed with a medical professional.”
Although those with autism and mental health conditions are advised to limit their travel, and stay as close to their local area as possible, carers and support workers who do not live in their household can accompany them.
The change comes after lawyers from Bindmans LLP and 39 Essex Chambers were asked for help by two families with children on the autistic spectrum.
Bindmans said one of the children, whose conditions mean it was necessary for them to leave the house more than once a day for their wellbeing, was deliberately taken to a quiet location outside of their local area because of their particular needs.
The firms argued that the “inflexible policy”, which also says people should stay two metres apart from anyone outside of their household, disproportionately impacted those with certain health conditions and was “therefore unlawful and discriminatory”.
After the amendment was made to the guidance, one of the affected families said they were “delighted” they could support their son’s needs “without breaking the rules”.
A spokesperson for the Cabinet Office said the most important action the public could take during the pandemic was to stay home to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
But, it added: “We understand that this will be more difficult for some, that is why we clarified the guidance regarding the needs of those with specific health conditions such as learning disabilities or autism.”
Source: Guardian UK
Why not bring a little bit of joy to yourself or someone else, by ordering a hanging basket or bedding plants from My Life?
We’ve lovingly tended to them and want to pass some of that love on!
Hanging baskets are £25 each and we will confirm the price of bedding plants once they are ready. To order them you must call 01257 472900 and pay by card.
We can either put them out for you to collect (with no contact) or we can deliver within reason. Bookings are being taken from Monday to Friday from 9am until 5pm. All flowers will be ready by early May.
Ring up and order yours ASAP – let’s spread a bit of flower power around!
Our staff have shifted their normal working holidays, so we have a core team onsite each week over Easter. This allows us to maintain and improve the site and enables us to keep in touch with our learners during this challenging time.
We’re hosting our group video conference weekly now which has been a great way for learners and staff to interact with one another and we also took the opportunity for a quiz!
We’ve topped up the resource packs we sent home and in addition learners have all received a sunflower seed and information pack. We’re inviting them to grow their sunflowers at home and send pictures of their progress in to us, to keep their horticulture skills going.
If you’re looking for more resources, the government have released some to support home learning which cover SEND. You can find them here.
John Mitchell, Head of My Life Learning
It answers questions around issues such as the flexible use of a Direct Payment around the pandemic, use of Personal Protective Equipment for PAs, what might happen if a PA or family member becomes sick… all things that people might be wondering about at the moment.
We’re providing a link to the webpage containing the Q and A’s (click on the link and scroll down the webpage to ‘COVID-19 FAQs’) as this document will be regularly updated, so it’s worth checking back for any changes. Here it is:
We’ve also received this link from Wigan Council, which is a source of help for people who are self-isolating, need help and have no one to turn to:
If you know of anybody who might need support, please do share it or get them to call 01942 489018.
Registered charity number 1167858 - Registered office: Thompson House Equestrian Centre, Off Pepper Lane, Standish, Wigan, Lancashire, WN6 0PP