• Creating a Community Where Everyone Belongs

A message from our CEO and Trustees

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your excellent and very valued contribution this year to our very special organisation My Life. This year has not been what any one of us could have possibly imagined in our wildest dreams. It has been challenging whilst giving us all the opportunity to focus on what is really important, to perhaps slow down a little and to reflect on what matters to each and every one of us.

As a charity we have been extremely productive keeping the My Life Support aspect of the charity  working well and managing each situation, as it occurred, equally we have ensured both our sites at Standish and Leigh have remained open for those that have wanted to attend. We have produced over 1000 sets of PPE gowns for the hospital, delivered numerous hampers and kept the horticulture going with over 650 hanging baskets sold!

We are not sure if any of you remember, now we are scraping the frost off our cars, that we had such a beautiful warm spring into summer. This enabled us to do so much groundwork at the Standish site, making the site as accessible as possible, which has continued into the winter months. We have needed to make various adjustments to the site including in the last few weeks as avian flu has hit the UK, so we have needed to protect all birds and poultry by keeping them away from wild birds – we all know how this feels!

We are hoping that much of this work will be completed before the Christmas period so when we all return after the festive period we can start to look forward to the delights of spring and the site  looking in tip top condition.

In terms of keeping the charity afloat, of course like many other businesses and organisations we have taken a hit and have had to work so very hard to keep the organisation going, including continuing to adjust in light of the evolving pandemic. In the new year we will need to build the charity back up and all of our efforts need to be put into bringing the charity back into a good position before end March 2020. We are confident together we can achieve this and that we will continue to flourish and help as many people from our community as much as possible.

Thank you to each and every one of you for continuing to support the charity, it really is appreciated. Please do enjoy your Christmas and New Year and take the time to rest and recover, as this quiet end to the year is unlikely to ever happen again in our lifetime so enjoy.

Wishing you a peaceful and happy Christmas and we look forward to an exciting and wonderful 2021.

With love and best wishes,

Caroline Tomlinson (CEO) and The Board of Trustees

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Thompson House
Wigan Council
Lancashire County Council
Shop 4 support
Care Quality Commission
NHS England

Registered charity number 1167858 - Registered office: Thompson House Equestrian Centre, Off Pepper Lane, Standish, Wigan, Lancashire, WN6 0PP

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