• Creating a Community Where Everyone Belongs

A message from our CEO

Life – but perhaps not as we know it. The government are preparing us to slowly exit from lockdown, but what will that mean in practice?

There is no doubt that nationally and internationally over the last few months the world has changed significantly, and we all need to understand that life will not go back to how things were for a long time yet or if ever. We know some people are eagerly seeking a sense of normality whilst others are still very frightened. We understand totally how you are all feeling, with all the conversations we have had and equally many of our team are feeling the same. However, we cannot sit and do nothing – we need to respond and recover from this together.

At My Life we are developing a Recovery Plan that enables us to consider a wide variety of options that will enable people to return back to our sites whilst keeping our members, students and employees as safe as possible. We are looking to extend our opening times so to limit people on site at any one time, this could mean evenings and weekends. We have already installed significant hygiene measures and will be limiting how many individuals congregate in our indoor spaces. Equally, there will be additional measures put in place within the buildings we use such as Leigh Sports Village and Smithy Court.

What would really help us during this planning time is to understand what you are thinking. Our team of staff will be giving you a call over the next week or so, to touch base with you, to see if you would like your loved one to return and how you would like this to work. Once we have all the information from you, we will be able to develop a workable plan that hopefully will help all of you build your path back to recovery. Please don’t feel you have to return, if you need more time this is fine, or if you are desperate for help we can respond to this too. We are here to help you in any way we can and even if you don’t know what might help, having a chat may just make a difference.

Sending you our good wishes and continued support.

Best wishes,


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Registered charity number 1167858 - Registered office: Thompson House Equestrian Centre, Off Pepper Lane, Standish, Wigan, Lancashire, WN6 0PP

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